Unlock Resilience: a Breakthrough Yoga Program for First Responders

The 5-star on-demand virtual training experience designed exclusively for first responders.


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The Ultimate Wellness Solution for First Responders.


See how agencies are using Firstgevity for their employee health & wellness.

At Firstgevity, we take pride in collaborating closely with each department to foster wellness awareness and culture. This ensures the success of the program and contributes to the long-term well-being of your personnel.


Chances Are, You & Your Department...


»  Find yourselves in high-stress situations that require quick response times

»  Understand that maintaining healthy habits can be challenging due to long and unpredictable work schedules

»  Have team members experiencing physical pain or injury as a result of the physical demands of the job

»  Believe that every department deserves the support they need to be physically, mentally, and emotionally fit

»  Experienced a stigma around mental health that has prevented them from seeking support

Discover what it means to be physically, mentally & emotionally fit for the demands of your job with Firstgevity.



Yoga empowers you with the essential tools to effectively & efficiently execute the demands of your job. Improving your mobility, balance, and stability minimizes the risk of injuries and propels you to operate at the pinnacle of your capabilities, reaching an elite level of performance with unparalleled power. 


Your resilience to stress profoundly influences performance, sleep, mental health, and cardiovascular well-being. By focusing on nervous system regulation and emotional control, we promote efficient recovery from high-stress events, positively impacting your overall health.


Strengthening your mind is a practiced skill. We concentrate on enhancing mental strength through mindfulness, meditation, and breathing techniques. This not only influences mood and career satisfaction but also acts as a preventive measure against burnout, contributing to the retention of personnel.


Don't let stress and trauma dictate your life and health

Long hours, traumatic incidents, and high levels of stress can lead to burnout, exhaustion, and even physical injury.

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Here's What to Expect with Firstgevity

Quicker Muscle Recovery

Recover from physical strain and injury faster, allowing you to stay active and healthy.

Increased Mobility

Improved mobility and flexibility can help you move more efficiently and with less risk of injury.

Injury Prevention

Help prevents injuries and improves your overall physical health.

Sustained Peak Performance

Experience long-term physical, mental, and emotional benefits that will enhance your overall quality of life.

Improved Focus & Mental Clarity

Improve cognitive function, memory, and concentration, helping you stay focused and alert on the job.

Feel Calm & Confident

Reduce stress and anxiety, promoting a sense of calm and confidence that will serve you both on and off the job.

Tackle & Process Tough Situations

Learn practical, effective techniques to manage stress and process trauma.

Convenient & Flexible

Tailored to fit your schedule and needs, making it easy to incorporate into your daily routine.


What’s Included in Firstgevity?

As a member, you'll get: 

  Yoga/wellness that your whole department can utilize anytime/anywhere regardless of shifts

  Accessible classes with expert instruction from Paige who has extensive experience working directly with first responders

  Exclusive classes that were specifically designed for first responders

  All-levels for practitioners of all experience levels

  Private and exclusive community perks such as livestream classes and Facebook group

  Join a community of department nationwide who are prioritizing the health and wellness for their departments


Meet Paige Arnone

Founder, Firstgevity 


With years of experience working directly with first responders, Paige Arnone, founder of Firstgevity, knows firsthand the unique challenges these brave individuals face and the toll it can take on their mental and physical health. Her journey with yoga began when she struggled with debilitating anxiety and panic attacks from childhood traumas. Yoga taught her how to take back control of her life, and it has since become her mission to give back to those who have always protected her.


Paige's ultimate goal is to support the development of a new generation of first responders who are physically healthy and mentally strong, able to easily handle challenging conditions. Paige's passion and dedication to helping first responders thrive and creating a stronger and more resilient community for all are at the heart of Firstgevity's mission.


Don't Wait Until It's Too Late




Here's what could happen after bringing on Firstgevity to your department…

Physical Longevity

Prevents injuries through muscle strengthening and recovery, greater physical mobility, and improved balance.

Emotional Longevity

Regulate and respond to your thoughts and emotions rather than react impulsively.

Mental Longevity

Increased mood levels, insomnia relief, boosted cognitive function, Increased self-confidence, improved balance, ease anxiety.


What Are You Waiting for?


Join Firstgevity today and discover what it truly means to be physically and mentally fit for the demands of your job.


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